Thursday, April 14, 2011


Sometimes I just want to be sarcastic. There are days when my sarcasm filter is broken. There are other days when the fact that I can't constantly express my inner monologue to the world really gets me mad.

In other words. I want to snark.

(Note: For any of you hypothetical readers who do not know what this means-
snark: Combination of "snide" and "remark". Sarcastic comment(s). Also snarky (adj.) and snarkily (adv.) Thanks a bunch urban dictionary.)

And so, my dear hypothetical reader, I am proposing a new holiday. A festival of sorts. It is a day in which one can snark to their little hearts' desire, inner monologues and all. It would be a get-out-of-blame-free day, if you would. Nay, a get-out-of-blame-week. *Note to self, such a holiday must be at least five days in length.*

There would be no boundaries of snark. Anything and everything is fair game. Anything from world politics to the questionable makeup choices made on the part of the barista who made your drink this morning.

And turn about is fair play, if you participate in the snarking, then you must prepare to get snarked on in return.

So are the rules and guidelines of this festival of no-holds-barred.

And it shall be called SnarkFest'11.

I think I'm really on to something here...

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