Thursday, April 21, 2011

Life is Full of Awkward Dance Parties

We've all been there: we're listening to our in and suddenly comes around in shuffle. Now, you aren't in . Well, of course you are. But you really don't care anymore. Because you love this song.

So you start dancing. Usually you are seated when this occurs, but sometimes you are in assorted standing positions (waiting in line, waiting for your drink). And then you dance more. Because this song rocks. And it's not till the song is almost completely over that you return back to planet Earth and realize that you'd gotten a little out of control from when you checked out. You're full-on lip-synching-like-a-pop-star and your dancing is way more out of control than the mild bopping it once was.


And everyone has been staring at you.

I mean, everyone.

And usually we cower and blush and try to pretend like nothing happened.

Don't do this.

Life needs more awkward dance parties. Heck, life is one giant awkward dance party. Embrace this. Have the courage to face all the people staring at you like you just grew two lobster heads out of your shoulders, and say, "You know what? That was a killer song! I totally had the right to dance to that song!"

Embrace the dance party.


  1. I love how you grew lobster heads.

  2. In honor of you, I will have an awkward dance party everytime I am in public. <3
