Thursday, April 28, 2011

Declaring Mental Holiday

Continuing in the vein of declaring arbitrary ways in which the universe as a whole could be greatly improved (I know, in having a blog of randomness, one should not be writing on any kind of theme. The randomness will return shortly, I promise.) I would like to suggest yet another fantastic holiday.

I know what you're thinking, hypothetical reader, "How could she possibly top SnarkFest'11? That was going to be my new favorite holiday!" (For those hypothetical readers who do not know what SnarkFest'11 is, clearly you have not been reading my blog for very long. Now, that's not a judgment on you, hypothetical reader; just do better.)

But not only can I top SnarkFest'11, I will top it. Brace yourselves:

Mental Holiday.

Oh yes, I went there.

Now, this isn't your traditional holiday in which there is a set day (or days) in which to celebrate. No, this is a personally declared holiday whenever the celebrator needs it the most. Here's how it works:

Each individual gets a certain amount of "declarable days". Now, this can be based on a number of things; professional status, number of hours worked each week, amount of stress at home, number of children, number of pets, personal psychological state, etc. You get the idea.

Now, let's say, hypothetical reader, that you've been going crazy with and you've just had enough. And I mean enough. (For definition of enough, read The List of 10 Ways You May or May Not Know It's Gonna Be A Bad Week.) Or say the is just driving you up the Great Wall of China.

Fear not!

You can declare Mental Holiday. See? Don't you feel better already?

Now, I know many people already do this. They call them "mental health days". Now, that's all well and good, but wouldn't you much rather have the feeling of power you get when declaring your own holiday?

If for no other reason, this should be employed. Immediately.

1 comment:

  1. Just out of curiosity, have you read Brave New World and/or heard of Soma?
