Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hive Mind? Heck Yes.

There are days when I think the Borg had something going. (For those hypothetical readers who do not know what the Borg are, tsk tsk. But I direct your attention here.) Hive mind can have it's advantages. For example:

It's somewhere in the wee hours of the morning , and you need caffeine like no other, as one does in the wee hours of the morning.

Well now, this presents a problem. Seeing as how you are even up and around in the wee hours of the morning, it would be an amazing accomplishment if you could also speak. So, unsurprisingly, ordering a caffeinated beverage of your choice is going to be difficult. (We are assuming that you are not such a regular at such establishment of caffeine that the workers already know what you want before you open your mouth. Yeah, that happens.)

Problem solved! Hive mind is engaged! Simply plug yourself into a conduit of some nature upon your entrance, and wait for your drink to arrive moments later, exactly to order.

Easy, right? I know, I'm kind of a genius.

Not only would this eliminate the frustrating ability that many baristas have to completely screw up your drink order despite the fact that you've screamed it at them numerous times over the bar. It would also eliminate the slow barista. That one chink in the chain that just can't seem to get their act together long enough to foam some milk.

Sad, I know, but they exist.

Indeed, hive mind solves such problems.

On second thought, simply having a line of caffeine related establishments run by the Borg would just be plain entertaining. It's the novelty factor, no?

I can see it now...

"Coming to a street corner near you: Starborgs. You will be caffeinated. Resistance is futile."

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