Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Who Eats Subs at 9:30 in the Morning?

I'm not a terribly interesting person. But I do enjoy observing the interesting things other people do. With this in mind, welcome to my blog of randomness. In case you couldn't tell, the title: really self explanatory. This blog will contain mostly accurate, occasionally snarky and always insightful pieces of everyday life. Or a discussion of whatever happens to be on television. Really, it's a toss up.

Leading me to my first point and the title of this blog: Who eats subs at 9:30 in the morning? As I was blearily stumbling through the Union on my way to Starbucks this morning I looked up long enough to notice: not only was the sub shop OPEN at 9:30, but there was a line. Yes, you read that correctly. A line. I was shocked. Personally the first thing I think upon awakening is not, "Hm, what a beautiful and glorious morning! I think I'll celebrate it with a BLT." No. First of all, if you wake up an think that there is anything beautiful or glorious in the morning, don't speak to me. More than likely, I'll punch you in the nose. Not because I'm angry at you or a particularly violent person, it just needs to be done. Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING is beautiful or glorious before at least 1 and a half cups of coffee.

But I digress.

Why a decidedly lunch/dinner establishment was even open so early is beyond me. Now, I know what you're thinking:

Hypothetical you: "You know, maybe it was one of those sub places that also serves breakfast sandwiches."

No. It wasn't. I even returned later to investigate that possibility, because I'm a nice person, and I like to offer the benefit of the doubt. No benefit could be given.

I stand confused.

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