Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hey! Look Up Here!

Now, maybe this is too much to ask. I know people have busy lives with many things to do, and not enough time in which to do it. But still. Walking is not the appropriate time to complete these tasks.

Let's take today, for example. I'm on my way to Jamba Juice, meandering down the walkway, when a girl comes walking towards me form the opposite direction. She is texting. She has been texting since she turned onto the walkway. There is no end in sight to the aforementioned texting. Meanwhile, walking towards me with all the purpose in the world. Now, I can see her. She's on an intercept course. There is no way she is going to miss me. So what do I do? Yes, you guessed it my dear hypothetical reader. Nothing. I did absolutely nothing. Call me mean, call me heartless, call me a giant purple people eater. I don't care. I stand by what I did. Luckily, she looked up just in the nick of time to jump to her side of the walkway.

But even if she hadn't. I would feel no more guilt than I do now.

You might call it mean. I call it learning from one's mistakes.

I will leave you with this simple piece of advice: If you are going to text and walk, make sure you can do both separately before you try to put them together.

We will all thank you. You won't even have to look up.

We'll send you a text.

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