Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life in the Cold, and Revelations Thereupon

Whose bright idea was black ice? Because, in all honesty, it's one of those things in the world that serve no greater purpose or generate any good. (For those of you who don't live in climates where black ice is a phenomenon, a short explanation: Black ice is a sneaky little menace that enjoys disguising itself as pavement, but is, in fact, not. Hence, forcing any innocent passerby to fall on their nether posterior region, or conversely, their face. Neither of which is a desired outcome to say the least.)

And snow. It's really white. And shiny. Who would have thought that snow would be legitimately Edward-Cullen-Shining-Like-a-Star shiny? If you think you won't need sunglasses after a good, long snowstorm, you are sadly mistaken. Snow blindness will ensue. And it will not be fun.

Cute shoes do not exist to you. At least not for the first week or so after it's snowed. You can't wear them anywhere, you can't look at them, cause it makes you want to wear them, you might as well not even think about them. If they do not resemble hearty mountain man boots that add an extra 40 lbs. to your feet, then they don't exist. Just give up the hope now.

And most importantly: no matter how hard you might try, if the snow is over 12 inches deep, you're going to get it in your boots. And hence, your pants. Your feet will be cold, your pants will be wet. Deal with this. It will be over shortly. Shortly enough, in fact, so that you forget this, and immediately go out into it again, repeating the cycle of you and your damp pants. But don't worry, that Starbucks will be totally worth it.

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