Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Yes I'm Back and I'm Better Than Ever

I decided to take a summer break from writing the blog.

Because, let's be honest, nothing terribly exciting happens over the summer. I mean, yes it's nice and all, but really in the grand scheme of things, what are you going to have to write about?

"Oh, I slept in today because I didn't have to do anything, and that was quite lovely. I think I might drink some more coffee now and contemplate the nature of all of time and space."


And, yes, the nature of time and space in and of itself is not boring, but reading about it from someone who does not travel around in a TARDIS is rather dull. (Hypothetical reader, please tell me you know what a TARDIS is... Dearie me. Well then, here. Educate yourselves.)

So I took a summer break.

But that does not mean that I stopped thinking or caring about you, dear, hypothetical reader. And so, as my first returning post, I will provide for you a list of things that crossed my mind and upon which I pondered over these months. Some I might later revisit and expand into a fully nonsensical post, and other, well, I just won't. Thems the prerogative of the blogger.

1) Buttered kittens.

2) Some water towers look like very large, colorful spiders.

3) You cannot go onto the Las Vegas strip after 4pm without being in danger of being puked on, yelled at, leered at, grabbed in some way, or the rather unique combo of all four.

4) I can fit my entire body into a laundry basket, contortionist-style.


6) Come into Starbucks with a $75 order for 26, and the baristas will forever remember you. (If they didn't already)

7) Jumping from high places is actually not as bad as you think it's gonna be. (With safety gear. Please do not take this as an invitation to injure yourselves)

8) Naming things makes them far less frightening. And hence, Jimmy and Monica the spiders were defeated.

9) When running away know how to get there. And how to get back. And eat first.

10) When staring at the center of a dryer, not only do you get really dizzy, but if you choose two prominent pieces of clothing and watch them go 'round, it looks like they are having a rather rough-and-tumble circular battle. Adding dialogue can also improve the experience.

Enjoy, hypothetical reader. It is nice to be back.