Thursday, March 3, 2011

"You Know it's Bad When": 10 Ways you May (or may not) Know It's Gonna be a Bad Week

We've all had them: those stressful weeks when you know it's gonna be bad. They might be small warning signs, or giant ones. Either way, here are 10 sure fire hints.

DISCLAIMER: If you exhibit 5 or more of these at once, stop reading this, turn off your computer, and take a nap. Right now.

1. You have had to ask your roommate/significant other/friend/coworker/random stranger what day it is more than two times in a week.

2. You jump out of your seat at something moving quickly in your peripheral vision. While alone.

3. Your ears are sore to the touch because you've had your ear buds in all night, in a vain attempt to keep yourself conscious.

4. You stop at the top of the stairs and wonder whether or not going down them is really worth it because, at the end of the day, you'll have to get back up them again.


6. You think #5 if funny.

7. In the last two days, you've seen the inside of your (fill in the blank) textbook/proposal/chart/book for more hours than you've seen the inside of your eyelids.

8. You are more than mildly entertained by re-runs of infomercials.

9. You've been to Starbucks more than two times in one shift, and the baristas are actually starting to give you a worried look.

10. You've already fallen asleep.

Now, these are not actually scientifically or medically proven signs, but from my own personal experience, if it's gotten to this point, you need a mental health day like Kate Moss needs a cheeseburger. So, take my word for it, and take care of yourself.